When you're a hunting family, you will get into some new meats depending on where you live. We were able to get a moose recently, which isn't an every year thing and I love finding new ways to cook it.

What does moose taste like? Many say it can taste like a cross between beef and bison, so it may be a good option to start with if you are new to eating moose. Most wild game tastes, well, a little gamey in some peoples opinion. We call it flavour and domestic meats lack it. It can be strong but with the right seasonings your family will enjoy it.
Tips and Tricks for Wild Game
- When butchering your own animal, start with large roasts and move to steaks. Then use the tough meat diced for slow cooking (stews and the like) and finally grind up what's left.
- If your family is a little hesitant on wild game to start...maybe don't point out that its not beef? I wont lie to a question asked but if they ask me no questions, I'm telling no lies...
- Substitute game in recipes your family already loves with beef. This way it's a meal they already enjoy with just a slight twist.
Best Ways to Cook Moose
Wild Game Options
Fresh out of moose? Sometimes we are, too. It depends who gets a tag and who bags a moose. If we are out, these methods work just as well for venison, bear, or beef.
Don't forget - we love to use all parts of the animal, so once you've got the meat off the bones so to speak, don't forget to set aside the fat as well! Moose fat is very waxy, so I recommend making candles, how fun!
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